Thursday, August 14, 2014

Logo Design - 4C The Future

Today I want to share another logo I've done and what inspired the design. A while back a client wanted a "simple logo" for their real estate and property management business in Las Vegas. These were the exact specifics given; "professional, conservative, not to fancy, and simple." Fair enough, and so I started...

I started out with a few quick  brainstorm sketches when I got the idea to somehow incorporate the shape of a house. At that point it hit me the left side of the number four is pretty much the basic shape of a house.

I wanted the left side to be bold to emphasize the number four within the house shape because that causes the eye to go there first register the "4C" element before you get to the "The Future."

I wanted the right side of the house to be very light in weight compared to the bold left side. I feel that right side gives the logo a sense of "future building" like an element of a house that is still being built. I intentionally made sure the words "The Future" pushed through the opening of the "still being" built side of the house.

The client loved the logo and we went into the color phase and the client chose a tan and dark brown combination.

Also, here is the business card design...


*changed the info for security purposes

Materials: paper, pencil, adobe illustrator

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